Product Design / Development


Some projects I was involved in

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J Balvin
The Chainsmokers
A serious amount of support
software & plugins

Ben has been solid support helping us "get things done". With his experience and skills, he is the person who can adjust the appropriate solution taking into account business aspects and time limitations. Ben is a very friendly and positive person - we work together in a very good atmosphere and the whole team liked each other immediately.

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Jane Doe

Head of Growth at Company #1

Ben has shown a fantastic approach toward project realisation. User-centric orientation, focus on details and straightforward critical thinking were the traits I valued the most when it came to Ben. He is the person who always does his research. What is also worth mentioning any discussion was an intellectual pleasure.

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Mark Doe

Head of Design at Company #3

We are extremely happy that we hired Ben as a consultant. He was super helpful and always there to advice. Ben was very attentive to the details and super responsive when we needed him. The project moved faster because of him and we managed to successfully launch the website.

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John Doe

Senior UI/UX Designer at Company #2